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CLI Reference

The jscodeshift command-line interface (CLI) allows you to run jscodeshift codemods using a terminal or through an automated system.


You can use the jscodeshift command to run codemods in 4 different ways

Option 1: Run from transform.js file in current working directory:

Terminal window
jscodeshift [OPTION]... PATH...

This automatically looks for a transform.js file in the current working directory and attempts to run the transform over the specified PATH.

Option 2: Run from specific transform file:

Terminal window
jscodeshift [OPTION]... -t TRANSFORM_PATH PATH...

This allows you to specify a path to a transform file and run the transform over the specified PATH.

Option 3: Run from specific transform URL:

Terminal window
jscodeshift [OPTION]... -t URL PATH...

This allows you to specify a URL to a transform file and run the transform over the specified PATH.

Option 4: Apply transform to standard input:

Terminal window
jscodeshift [OPTION]... --stdin < file_list.txt

Using --stdin allows you to run the transform over every line of standard input provided in file_list.txt.



default: true

This allows you to apply babeljs to the transform file.


aliases: -c

default: max(all - 1, 1)

This allows you to start at most N child processes to process source files.


aliases: -d

default: false

This allows you to dry run the codemod. Dry running is useful when you need to see how a codemod will affect your project without making changes to your files.


default: js

Allows you to specify the extension of the files to be transformed.


aliases: -h

Allows you to print the help menu.

--ignore-config=[FILE] ...

Allows you to ignore files if they match patterns sourced from a configuration file (e.g. a .gitignore).

--ignore-pattern=[GLOB] ...

Allows you to ignore files that match a provided glob expression.


default: false

Allows you to add entries to the current directory’s .gitignore file.


default: babel

available options: babel|babylon|flow|ts|tsx

Allows you to specify the parser to use for parsing the source files.


Allows you to specify path to a JSON file containing a custom parser configuration for flow or babylon.


aliases: -p

default: false

Allows you to print transformed files to stdout, useful for development.


default: false

Allows jscodeshift to run serially in the current process.


aliases: -s

default: false

Allows you to run silently (prevent writing to stdout or stderr).


default: false

Allows you to run the transform over every line of standard input.


aliases: -t

default: ./transform.js

Allows you to specify a path to the transform file. Can be either a local path or url.


aliases: -v

available options: 0|1|2

default: 0

Allows you to show more information about the transform process.


Allows you to print your jscodeshift version.


Allows you to return a 1 exit code when errors were found during execution of codemods.